I love Art. My dear ole dad is an art teacher. I still remember the art history lessons he gave all his sixth graders (including me) that lit the flame of interest in me. I took art History again in college as well as drawing and pottery classes. I loved them so much, and discovered something very interesting about myself. I stink at art. Don't feel bad, I'm sure that if I took more classes and practiced and studied and worked hard enough, I could perhaps produce something of some significance, but that bridge has burned, I am the CEO of my home now, no time to learn a new trade. And I am totally at peace with that, I mean we can't have it all right? Which brings me to the question at hand.
#2. If you could wake up tommorrow the master of some specific talent what would it be?
Mine would obviously involve lots of canvas, brushes, acrylics, clay, a kiln and lots of glaze. In 2001 Mike and I had occasion to visit Washington D.C., we only had a few hours on the mall and could only afford about 30 minutes in the Smithsonian. Mike was so kind as to let me spend every precious minute in that huge place, parked in the Monet exhibit staring at brilliant brush strokes. I'll be grateful to that forever!
I love art too. I also stink at it, well I think I do, I've never actually taken a class for it. But, if I had a chance I would be a ballerina. I have loved ballet since I was really little, but living in Castle Dale the only classes were in Price, and with five younger (we're talking infants until I was ten) sisters to watch over, I understand why Mom didn't want to make that drive so often. I still love watching it, and I took the beginning class at BYU twice. The sad thing is, I'm not very graceful-at all. Once in class I tripped over myself at the beginning of a leap, and then stubbed my toe on the landing. It was very sad. Oh well...I hope Brooklyn likes ballet because I plan on living my dream through her (at least for a while).
I had no idea you loved Monet-I love him too! You'll have to come to Germany so we can visit Paris and visit museums and stare at Monet all day-it's not such a lofty dream is it? Well I too love the arts and wish I was good in all areas! If I woke up tomorrow being able to paint watercolor, play the guitar, and dance I would be one happy camper! They are still on my goal list though...or maybe I'll live them through my children.
I'd love to play the violin. I just love the sound of strings. A violinist feels more musical than a pianist for some reason. Or maybe I'd like to be able to write my own music. Wouldn't it be lovely to imagine a melody and have it come to life? Sometimes I think I'm making up my own music in my head, and then I realize it's a song I already know--written by someone else.
I would like to be an amazing broadway star, without the long hours away from family and immoral environment. Sounds kinda impossible, but I would want my vocal range to be killer and that I could dance along and look good doing it. Hmmmmm, narrarator to Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat here I come!
I thought about this for awhile because there are a lot of talents that would be nice to have. Being a master of some talents would put my life on a different track, and while fun to imagine, I like where I'm at. What I'd really love is to be a master illustrator. I would love to bring to life anything my mind could imagine. I would love to write and illustrate children's stories. I could use pictures I illustrate to explain things to my kids, express an emotion through my drawings, make Ethan's superhero stories come to life...yes, that's what I would choose!
I choose Dance. Let's face it, I have always been an Elaine on the dance floor...I would love to be able to express myself in movement....
Hi Maggie! It's Brad and Shannon Young. I was happy to find your blog. Can't believe you have 4 children! We also have a daughter named Avery. This is fun!
I would have to say the Piano. I was the classic child that took lessons for about two years and pleaded with my mom to let me quit. She would say "You will regret it" and I would say "No I won't". Now every time I hear the piano played I regret it! Mom was right! Surprise surprise.
There is something ultra feminine and angelic about the harp that has always captured my fancy. Plus the sound is so soothing and calming. If that didn't work out I'd actually hope for my husband and I to be Master Ballroom Dancers! More specifically, Latin Ballroom Masters...we'd cha-cha our way to the top (poor Jeff...he's such a good sport isn't he?!?!) !!!!
I, like Emilee, would also choose the violin. I played for so many years of my life, and loved every minute of it, but as soon as I went off to college, the time I spent on practice began to dwindle. I still play every once in a while, but I so wish that I played it more often...and better. I think it is one of the most beautiful instruments ever. When I hear someone else play, I am envious that I'm not as good anymore.
You know what?... I think I'll get it out today...
I tagged you. If you hate being tagged, I'm sorry. The questionnaire is on my blog. On the upside, it does make for an easy blog post. :)
This question is a little ironic. I have been thinking about this a lot lately. I am constantly wishing I could do something that would make me a little less mundane, and I am sick of wishing. I am going to do it! Why not...I've got time. I'll just have to let go of my other talents like laundry, dishes, plucking my eyebrows...
So the talent I desire most right now is to be at the very least bilingual. Infact I am calling Rosetta Stone right now.
I just took the pottery class here on base. It wasn't instructional for me but it was sooo nice to get dirty and on the wheel again. You should sign up and come with me. In fact if you want to come for FREE all you have to do is tell them you would like to make bowls for the hungry. It's a really cool program they do every year. Our base shop has promised to do 200 and well we are short. They provide you all supplies so it really is free. I'm going on Tuesday night this week. Come play. I haven't done pottery for a really long time but it'd kinda like riding a bike. I love it and Mike is happy because I come home happy.
So, I saw this post and had to think about it. But only for like two minutes. Then when I get back on to comment, Haley's already taken my answer. I would like to play the piano. I ditto her story--about taking lessons, quitting, regretting...wouldn't it just be nice to be a concert pianist without all that practice? Why can't I "play by ear"? Oh well, maybe I'll start practicing my keyboard I made Trevor get me for my birthday and now it sits up in the closet. Maybe one day I WILL be a concert pianist, but probably not. I would like to be able to play some hymns by sightreading though.
Good question, Mags! I had to think about it for a few days because I couldn't decide what I'd really love to be able to do. There are so many things that I'd love to be better at. But, I think I would really like having a pretty singing voice. I can hold a tune, but my voice isn't really pretty. Since I sing to my kids all the time it would be nice to have it sound really nice.
I'm an artist wanna-be, too. In fact, I majored in art history because I wasn't so good at the studio stuff. Maybe when we are old ladies we can paint together... Camilla Kimball took up oil painting in her "golden" years.
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