No one told me the amount of urine i would be dealing with as the mother of boys. I was under the impression that once potty training was over, i'd be free of the stuff, clearly i was mistaken. the boys bathroom was recently fumegated by thier live in maid, oh i mean me, and i do mean fumegated. I scrubbed walls, toilet knooks and crannies, garbage cans, the tiolet paper dispenser, all with clorox and then i did it again, and then i scrubbed it AGAIN! After finding pee in every possible location and erradicating it, i marched down stairs and made an announcement. The boys are well aware of where pee is supposed to land. I'm not the kind of mom that cleans kids rooms, or makes their beds, they have that responsibility, and i do hand the boys clorox wipes quite often after they have hosed down the bathroom, but i've cleaned enough pee on the side, and it is soo over. So i said to my sweet little boys, who ironically themselves never smell of urine, I said to them, "Quinton and Austin do you want to get a dog someday?" Their eyes lit up with shouts of "yes, yes, oh please yes," and so like a good mom I squashed there glee with this little declaration.
"Well when you get a puppy, it's going to pee and poop everywhere, and to teach him that we don't pee and poop everywhere we will gently push his little nose into the messes. This teaches him that excrement is gross and belongs in certain places. So boys, if I find another dribble of pee anywhere but in the toilet where it goes, I will gently stick your nose in it, do you think that will help you remember where pee goes?" I get a few stifled snickers, but mostly horrified stares as I sweetly explain the new rules. I haven't seen a drop in two weeks.
Which brings me to the meat of this post! I had to give in and fumegate the bathroom so it could be used by our guests! Geoff and Annelisa and girls paid us a visit over the new year holiday and it was so much fun!!! We played the wii, shopped, ate, and Annelisa and I went to Twilight, which I actually thought was pretty good, although Jasper looks like a mental patient more than a vampire mastering self control. Anyway here's a look at our fun!

"Well when you get a puppy, it's going to pee and poop everywhere, and to teach him that we don't pee and poop everywhere we will gently push his little nose into the messes. This teaches him that excrement is gross and belongs in certain places. So boys, if I find another dribble of pee anywhere but in the toilet where it goes, I will gently stick your nose in it, do you think that will help you remember where pee goes?" I get a few stifled snickers, but mostly horrified stares as I sweetly explain the new rules. I haven't seen a drop in two weeks.
Which brings me to the meat of this post! I had to give in and fumegate the bathroom so it could be used by our guests! Geoff and Annelisa and girls paid us a visit over the new year holiday and it was so much fun!!! We played the wii, shopped, ate, and Annelisa and I went to Twilight, which I actually thought was pretty good, although Jasper looks like a mental patient more than a vampire mastering self control. Anyway here's a look at our fun!
AWESOME!! I love YOU! Seriously, I'm laughing my bum off! I'm gonna have to remember that!! LOL
It was nice to meet Annalise. If only for a second. So glad you saw the movie!!
What day is book club so I can tell my hubby to be gone?
LOL I'm still giggling!
Lovely pee. Luckily I haven't had to deal with that yet since Jack likes his diapers. I'm glad that Geoff & Annelisa got to come visit. Do you have more pictures to post?
You are so hilarious. I used to have to clean the boys bathroom (four boys 14-4) when I was a mother's helper, and it nearly made me vomit each time. Um...maybe I'll just have all girls!
I had to switch apartments with the elders once on my mission. My companion and I spent a whole day just cleaning the bathroom, trying to get rid of the urine stench!! Boys kind of stink, even when they are "grown up". Ethan is forbidden to pee standing up in my bathroom (he has to sit) because it is carpeted (I know, gross!) and I don't want any misses. You probably already know this, but Mike was the worst offender at the Judi house for missing the toilet....!
Looks like lots of fun with Geoff and Annelisa. It was funny watching you and Annelisa box on the Wii, though we never got to find out who won???
I SOOOO have threatened my boys with the same punishment, I mean "teaching" method. I actually cleaned up pea from Jacob this morning, then TWO minutes later found that Trenton made a mess as well. Trav's mom said that she drained the toilet and painted a bulls-eye in the bottom. I'm considering that.
oh mageth. how you make the corners of my mouth lift to laugh. just an fyi, in our house our three year old girl is the main culprit of toilet trails....
you never know, it could have been avery. :)
I won Melinda! And it was a great weekend! Thanks Mike, Maggie and kids!
You do have a way with words. You have a Wii? I'll have to tell Trevor. Then when you guys come visit us, we can have tournaments :) So when is that going to happen? Another 10 day drive not sound like fun to you?
thanks....thanks because you've scared me half to death of pee but you've also given me a great line to threaten my boys with! You're awesome!
...reminds me when willy decided he liked peeing in the garbage can instead of the toilet. Nice. Kenyon is actually my messiest own bathroom is the stinkiest. There is something wrong with that. miss you!
Oh Mags you make me laugh! You are a great mom and writer!
Brenda waited that long to watch Twilight? Talk about self-control! If it's yellow, let it're right, this little saying doesn't apply to walls, or nooks and crannies in the bathroom does it? Hip Hip Horray for Clorox! :)
Oh, it's not just me! I'm stealing this idea. Although I'm not sure Jack will go for it as Mike has convinced him not to want a dog. They all know Dad is not a pet person and I think have no real hopes of getting one but maybe I could still use this line. Hmmm, yeah their too smart for it. They know Dad will never go for it. Rats! I do beleive that yellow and blue make green. On my last fumigation I used some bluish liquid gel cleaner all over everything and let it soak for a little while. Sure enough it turned green. Unfortunately Sam told Jack and David and they all thought it was cool. I too give the clorox wipe to clean up after themselves but have a great need for a permanent solution.
Mags, again you have lifted my day. Thanks for the comic relief and for bringing to words my exact thoughts about Jasper! I actually saw that movie just last week too! So glad you had family in town! Fun times!
Anytime the girls color on something they shouldn't, John makes them put their nose on it for 10 minutes. Your idea is better. :)
And, Mags, it was Nathan Palmer. He deserved the smacking.
I don't know what I'll do if I ever have boys! Sounds like a mommy success, though! I'm taking notes.
So glad your family got to visit--I'm SO jealous!
I already have that problem and I only have 1 boy. I am constantly having to remind him to wipe the seat after he is done. So nice to have your family visit. We spent New Years in Mexico!! Can't say that I am complaining about that!
you are hilarious! I am having the same problem over here. I am totally going to use that approach! :)tonite is the night :( Bringing you lots of dresses in the morning :(
Do you think that threat would work on husbands too?
My secret to my success of clean bathrooms is.......I make them sit. Every last one of them. And if they don't sit they have to clean the bathroom themselves to "MY STANDARD" and of course we all know that they're not going to do that. My bathrooms never smell and there is never that questionable "is it water or is it something else" around the jon. They are allowed to stand in public but have to sit at other peoples houses and at church. What can I say......I am mean.
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