This is what we have been up to lately. Mike and the kids made this snow man, and then the kids had a ball destroying it. Austin is the best helper you've ever met. He even does dishes! We are very proud of the height of our snow piles. To bad they don't equal the girth of our muscles. You'd think by now I would have had it with shoveling, cold, and the like, but living in the sweltering humidity of Kentucky and Oklahoma (not so dry like you'd think)the past five years has taught me a thing or two about heat. It's overrated. Me and my sweat glands are reveling in this much needed rest. I love the toasty sweaters and funky socks and hot cocoa mustaches. 
On another note, I have discovered an enemy. His name is Organization, and he hates me. I used to be fine with that. I mean, I generally want to know if someone has a problem with me. you know work it out, be friendly, let's all just get along. But I have been totally fine with the fact that Organization is on the whole repulsed by me. We just don't get along in my view. I am spontaneous, and creative, it's like water and oil. For example all the sudden the other afternoon I ran to the craft store bought some cute stripey red material and am now makeing the cutest pillows for my naked couch. Who could do that with Organization in tow? Mike has sometimes encouraged me to find a relationship with O. He is very trusting, but once me and O got started, oh how things would change around here. I wouldn't be able to relax when mikes socks and army pants are lounging on the floor, no way. Organizational Maggie would jump up and start barking orders!! "Get out of here socks!" I kinda like those socks, they remind me that there is a man around.
But I have recently discovered that Mr. Organization may just have something to offer me. The other day as we were frantically trying to find gloves, and pull snow suits over boots, and shove homework into backpacks, all while I was trying not to yell and scream and stomp my feet, it occured to me, organization would have this problem solved. He would have had those kids putting things WHERE THEY GO! So we could find them when we needed them. What a novel idea? Oh! and he would also be shopping at cool online stores such as the container store. Hmmm. I like containers. I wonder if they have stripey red ones. Truce.
On another note, I have discovered an enemy. His name is Organization, and he hates me. I used to be fine with that. I mean, I generally want to know if someone has a problem with me. you know work it out, be friendly, let's all just get along. But I have been totally fine with the fact that Organization is on the whole repulsed by me. We just don't get along in my view. I am spontaneous, and creative, it's like water and oil. For example all the sudden the other afternoon I ran to the craft store bought some cute stripey red material and am now makeing the cutest pillows for my naked couch. Who could do that with Organization in tow? Mike has sometimes encouraged me to find a relationship with O. He is very trusting, but once me and O got started, oh how things would change around here. I wouldn't be able to relax when mikes socks and army pants are lounging on the floor, no way. Organizational Maggie would jump up and start barking orders!! "Get out of here socks!" I kinda like those socks, they remind me that there is a man around.
But I have recently discovered that Mr. Organization may just have something to offer me. The other day as we were frantically trying to find gloves, and pull snow suits over boots, and shove homework into backpacks, all while I was trying not to yell and scream and stomp my feet, it occured to me, organization would have this problem solved. He would have had those kids putting things WHERE THEY GO! So we could find them when we needed them. What a novel idea? Oh! and he would also be shopping at cool online stores such as the container store. Hmmm. I like containers. I wonder if they have stripey red ones. Truce.
I love the idea of organizing where all the stuff should go. And I love having a regular schedule of what should be done each day. I just hate the idea of actually using the organizational system for either stuff or time on a regular basis. Which kinda invalidates the organization now, doesn't it?
Yes! I was just sitting here thinking...I got almost nothing done today except for dinner and dishes. I have needed to do the laundry for 3 days. I thrive on organization. That is probably because I am a procrastinator. Without organization I just waste my time. I guess I am not motivated enough to do anything without a plan...or a schedule. However, I have to work really hard to keep or kinda be organized.
That is a nice snowman! Kate always wants me to build one, but the snow always crumbles. As for Organization, I wish you luck. It is nice to be able to relax with socks lying on the floor. I let the messes go for a while, but then I lose my patience once it is really messy. Anyway...I'd love to see your pillows. I bet they are super cute!
Great snowman. Looks like you have been getting dumped on. We had a week of crazy snow, but it is now all gone thanks to the warm Chinook winds. I wish Mr. Organization would come and visit me, but I don't want to start from the beginning. Too much work.
I am a fair-weather friend of Organization. I use him when I'm feeling energetic, only to desert him later. Of course, it's a two-way street, and he does the same to me. I imagine that Jesus would say that "Organization was made for man, not man for Organization" least I'd like to think He'd say that. Wasn't he always telling those high strung, hyper-ritualistic (surely another name for organized) Pharisees to relax a little and see the bigger picture? I think you have done just fine in life using Mr. Organization when it suits you...take a picture of those cute pillows, I want to see!
You're hilarious. I better see some posted pictures of those pillows, too.
I've seen your house (well, your old apartment, really) And I think you're very organized. Or at least to my standards. I fancy myself a pretty organized person. But then I had kids. Then me and Organization didn't get along so well anymore. You think your relationship will be the same, but it never is. You might as well just accept it because if you try and have this relationship with Organization, and there are kids around, you're just going to drive yourself (and your kids and/or husband) crazy.
I'm not saying you shouldn't try and teach your kids to put stuff where it belongs, but when it doesn't happen and you find socks around--you should just leave them there. Eventually you'll take care of it. (Or they will)
Anyway, I think it's funny I'm posting all this to YOU. I always think you are so wise. You say things that I completely agree with, I just haven't come up with it on my own.
Good luck with Mr. O. Maybe you two can rekindle the relationship in like 18 years when the kids are out of the house.
Woah. That was a long one :)
Thanks for making me laugh today, Mags! Love the post!
P.S. I'm in love with containers, too! :) Check out, too.
Mags, I have always enved Mom, Dad, Trisdan, and you for your ways with words. I would say Ben as well but we all know he doesn't talk to much?!
I too need to make a truce with Mr. Organization. The two reasons it is hard for me to get along with Mr. Organization is 1. because I am a pack rat. and 2. Becuase I am a pack rat there are random papers, and things that are just on their own, they don't belong to any type of catagory that are scattered throughout the house.
Even my paragraphs are unorganized!
I love your snowman - so much fun!! On Oprah, a few weeks back, she was taking about the container store, and I loved it! I love the thought of organizing everything in containers and putting things where they belong. I just have to find the $$ to buy the ones I want:)!
Mags, you kill me with your funnies. Can I say it for the upteenth time that I LOVE that we all have blogs. It's like the good old Boyle rock days. Anywho, I am married to Mr. Organiation. Its bad enough when you have OCD to have a spouse with OCD. We are crazy people. I can't relax with a sock on the floor. I am fine at other people's house but at my own I go crazy. So you throw your socks on the ground and love it.
You are hilarious! I for one actually need the lesson on being spontaneous-organization is my middle name. It is somewhat overrated though-I can't relax until those dirty socks are picked up!
Mags...I hope your working on a book because I can't wait to read it! You are such a great writer, and trust me, writing is a form of organization so maybe Mr. O's not such an enemy after all?!?!?
My problem is I just hide my mess. If you were to open up drawers and cupboards things would come tumbling out. Hmmm...maybe I should make a visit to the container store and purchase some boxes to put in my closets and drawers, so at least those spaces look organized?? Better yet, wouldn't it be fabulous to hire a maid? Oh wait, I'd be so embarrassed by my dirt I might clean the house before she came which would totally defeat the purpose now wouldn't it? Augghhhh.
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