would you like to learn how to make this book? it's really cute. like me. you would? okay! come on, i'll show you how.

first you pin your ribbon to some felt. make sure they match. or your mom will insist you pick different colors that DO match, and it will just take a lot longer.

very carefully stitch your ribbon to your "matching" felt. if it's your first time stitching, you might have to experiment with holding the needle in various positions.
when your done, stick some paper in it. then fold and staple. don't forget to cuddle with your chubby little brother (or a stuffed animal or dolly if a chubby little brother isn't available) and read him your pretend story. don't forget to laugh and giggle and pinch his cheeks very softly.
Craft idea stealing from blog land

something about cool fall air, pumpkins, and spooky halloween gets me all in a crafting tizzy. i saw this boo idea over at pink and polka dot. 'member those little punkins i told you about? well i glued 'em onto stryofoam balls to make my own halloween topiary's. also i've made a bat garland from marthastewart and i'm thinking of making some giant spiders for the 2$ glow in the dark spider web that's all over my porch. happy halloweening!
Maggie, Maggie, Maggie....i don't know what to say other than you have the cutest crafty stuff and that makes me feel like morman mom giant loser!!!!! Plus it makes me miss our crafting days together!
I am aspiring to be you! It is coming along slowly but one day I will be able to pull something off that is as cute as your stuff!
Lovely idea. I'm sure Avery and Jace enjoyed the fruits of your labor. I saw those tiny pumpkin things when your mom was there and though cool. Now I think wow, even cooler. :) Why don't we have joint craft days? Hmmm we should have a joint craft day play date. Sam needs a buddy. Call me.
Love the Boo! I may just steal that one too!
Cute crafty things! We'll have to try the little book. Avery would love that.
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