you know you've had a jam packed birthday when you don't have time to eat your birthday cake until dinner time the NEXT day!

goodie bags i made. couldn't find my hole punch to tie some ribbon, so i just grabbed the stapler. sometimes my favorite crafty things come about when i have to improvise.

she wanted a spooooky birthday party. is she not the cutest "scary" witch you ever saw?

tada! barbies, baby clothes, polly pocket's.....
I didn't think witches were suppose to be that cute - she is definitely cute. Love the treat bags as well - you crafty woman you.
I think her Dad, the dentist, should do something about those teeth!!! I had a nice phone visit with your Dad and Grandma today!
This makes me feel old. Happy Birthday Avery!
She is the cutest witch I've ever seen! I loved her costume. Especialy the hair, very fun.
She is as cute as ever! Soon she will be in Kindergarten, then what will you do with out your Avery at home?
Sam had a blast and I was glad Avery was a scarey witch. I always feel bad when my kids want to be scarey and most little kids are cute friendly things. Not skeleton cowboys. :) Thanks
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