Stress!!! Sometimes I just have to get out all the negative junk that chokes up my life and just breathe. I just need to take a second, And sometimes a good book is just not enough. I feel the need to punch something, or just run, or yell at a horrible person about how horrible they are, or shoot the tv with a big shot gun. But all those things are immature, and ridiculous....maybe even a trifle odd. What to do?
Oh boy do I have the cure people. Remember those stomps in college. The ones where everyone basically wore work out clothes and just danced 'til ya had to go home and shower for all that sweating you just did? I have a mommy version of that. I just turn on a little Billy Idol "Dancin with myself" and just dance like no one is watching! (Okay no one is watching me when I do this, except my kids, and they are the only ones who will ever have the privilege.) It is ridiculous, also somewhat immature, but it is hurting no one (unless my arm flails and I wack one of my kids, I guess I can't be completely uninhibited.) and I feel like one of those ladies on a hoodia commercial, totally detoxed. You can't help but smile when your done. Plus I'm sure I burn at least 100 cal. which means I can afford another stress reliever, chocolate, later on.
So the burning question may seem kinda dumb, but here she is:
Burning Question #3: What is your "dance like no one is watching" song?:
I'll be adding these to my playlist, I gotta relax you know.
I actually have many. A few coming to mind filled with funny memories include "Love Shack" by B52's, lots of They Might Be Giants songs, "Best Friend" by Weezer, "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" by Cindi Lauper, "The Hustle" by i-have-no-clue, "Shake Your Groove Thing" by once-again-no-idea-who, "Lovecats" by the Cure,and quite a few Smashmouth songs. These all come to mind because we blast them to clean up to at our house. Our neighbors aren't so appreciative but my kids have got the moves!
I can really relate to this. I love Beat It by Michael Jackson!
So, there are a whole lot of songs that are fun to dance to. Mostly a whole bunch of eighties songs--great week for me on American Idol :) But I think the thing I like to do, more than dance, is to sing. I love to put in a CD in the car and just drive and sing at the top of my lungs. And not just any CD, but Monster Ballads. You know, the old eighties love songs? My favorite is Love Bites by Def Leopard. Oh they have some good ones. It might look a little funny to some passers-by. But mostly I would do this only when I'm not stopped at a stoplight or something.
Go West by Pet Shop Boys. And a countless number of other high school-ish songs. Dancing my heart out in my room by myself is how I dealt with things through my high school years as well.
Great post Mags.
"I want to dance with somebody" by whitney houston, "ABC" by Jackson 5, "Crunchy Granola Suite" by neil diamond, or anything esle that has a good beat. Scott always gets a good chuckle when a song comes on the radio in the car and I can't do much dancing with my feet so I express myself with my arms, face, and fingers. It is quite hilarious!
p.s I am running the ragnar with a bunch of ladies from here. Aunt Lynda, Summer Wilcox, Katie Nebeker, Cheryl Bowring, Jamie carling, Susan Duke, Abby larson, Melissa Shakespear, and I are the only for sures! Tris said she wants to do it some time and I think we shoudl get a family team!
I like Peter Breinholt's CD "Songs About the Great Divide", Blink 182's "All the Small Things", Harry Belafonte's "Jump in the Line", Green Day's "Holiday", the Spice Girl's "Wannabe", Iz Kamakawiwo'ole's "Facing Future" CD, 3 Doors Down's "Kryptonite" to name a few...
Right now it is the Hairspray soundtrack. Hadley is obsessed with the movie so we watch it almost everyday.
Jessica-Cyndi Lauper Rocks!
Shannon- My dad had that record when we were little, and we totally rocked out to it!
Kim- you are my best 80s lovin friend
Jamie-I am totally downloading Petshop boys
Haley-Crunchy Granola forever!!
Melinda-you and mike have good taste! He loves Peter and Blink as well. one of my fave songs is from this candlebox cd he stole from you 12 years ago!
Jessie-I gotta see hairspray! I love musicals.
ps please keep the answers coming! I am so selfish, I know, but I just love reading everyone's answers!
Right now I really like any thing by the All American Rejects, especially Move Along. I also like How Far We've Come by Matchbox twenty. Oh and I love the part on Shrek 2 when the Fairy Godmother sings Holding Out For a Hero. The girls and I always get up and dance at that part.
So that's what happened to the Candlebox CD...I always wondered where it disappeared to. My fave song on that is "Far Behind".
Mine totally is Billie Jean by Michael Jackson. Me and my aerobic buddies get so PUMPED up when they play this song! You have to add it to your list, its great.
Funky Town--"Won't you take me to. . " Love Funky Town. Love "Take a Chance on Me" by Abba. I think I just love that disco beat--makes your hips twitch and your hands rise. Whenever I hear "Dancin' with Myself", Mags, I always think of you. John was offered Billy Idol tickets last year, and (get this) he didn't know who he was and TURNED THEM DOWN. Free Billy Idol tickets. (Now that would be the geriatric show of the century, but still. . .I was so mad at my clueless husband.)
maggie you are so funny- this just doesn't seem like you! i've always seen the happy layed back maggie- glad to see you have your moments and you are human! and even more, LOVE the cure!!! it's so true! at the end of a long day my favorite thing is letting mike play with the kids and i strap on my ipod and block it all out! doing dishes has never been so fun! i'd have to say the song that gets me going is pump it by black eyed peas....i have a few other choice songs in my mix, but thats the one that gets everything moving!!
Hey Maggie! Your blog is so fun to read and thanks for the tip on the sitemeter. I'm always worried about my blog so I'm afraid to write too many details. By the way, I love Cyndi Lauper or My Best Friend's Wedding soundtrack. My husband's an oldies fan, so we break out the Elvis or Johnny Cash. Love your blog!!!
I put it in my tag, but mine is Mika...he is great. It reminds me of Queen.
"Celebration" by Kool N' The Gang, "Dancing Queen" by ABBA, "Footloose" by Kenny Loggins, and I have to agree with Peake Family and say that "Billie Jean" by Michael Jackson can definitely get me moving! Right now if I need an energy boost I put in Maroon 5's newest album and rock out. It get's me motivated to fold the laundry...you know, all the clothes that have been sitting in the basket (or dryer) for a few days???
P.S. Mags, I'd love to answer the tag, but I can't find it?? Did you email it to me, or does it pop up on my blog? Let me know!
well I tend to be a bit crazy when it comes to my choice of music that I like to dance to in my living rm. I even pull out a full length mirror and set it against the fireplace so that I can see my "amazingly limber" dance moves. My kids join me and we have dance parties quite frequently. My choice of music tends to be latin inspired. More hip movement, more ab work! Caleb's favorite is Wild Child.
Annelisa-We love swing swing too!
Sumar- I have Billie Jean memorized
Bev-great husbands think alike, mike loves playin ring of fire on his guitar.
Ang-I love Queen, I gotta check out some Mika
Emilee-I think I still no some cloggin' moves to Funky Town. I do them when I am wearing a plain colored t-shirt, jeans and a side ponytail. he he
Jamie-Downloading the cure today! i forgot how much i love them.
Nicole-you and jeff can make a footloose movie, moab style!
Kristen-you should be on dancin' with the stars, I always think of you when i see those awesome hip movements!
I love everything "Beatles", but oh bla di oh bla da always makes me happy. Anything ABBA too. I think this is a great question.
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