Now that I no longer qualify as a girl, and have joined the ranks of people described as women, I figure it's about time to buy a pair of high heels. That's right ladies, I've been a mom for seven years, and an official woman for much longer and have yet to own some heels. Wedges yes, heels nope. Mostly this is due to the fact that I prefer comfort to fashion, but it is also due to the fact that they are somewhat impractical and the budget has no room for impracticality (is that a word?) Something about them just seems ultra feminine and pretty. I had also sworn in my teen years never to become a purse girl, but you just can't deny the attraction to this purse. The shoes are $210.00 and the purse is $75.00. Oh my word. So while I won't be buying either of these items any time soon, I decided to have a little fantasy shopping spree, and here is what I bought. Only in my fantasy these are both the perfect shade of deep red. It was tons of fun, and now it's your turn.
I bet your glad you checked my blog today! Because I'm going to give you $500 dollars to spend! The only rule is this: Absolute selfishness is a must! Oh stop feeling bad, no thinking about the new ipod or the tickets to the big game your hubby would love or the new shoes all your kids could really use, or the trampoline, disneyland passes or other things that would really technically be someone else's idea of a great way to spend some cash. Don't even let your mind stray to the less fortunate. I'll give them some fake shopping too. This is purely hypothetical. Just a imaginary pile of cash that you can only spend on your self, cause if you are the kind of women I think you are, there are lists of people and things that your money goes to first. That's just how us women "roll" for lack of a better term. So here it is the Big Q?
Burning Question of the Week #4: If I gave you $500, with the stipulation that you can only spend it for purely selfish purposes, what would be on your reciept?
Now stop feeling bad!!! I know you, just let go of the guilt it is only pretend. Let's see your list.
Ok, so really I would need more money, or a VERY cheap plastic surgeon. Three c-sections has really taken its toll on the ole' belly, and the two flabby things that I no longer recognize. Ok, really maybe a really expensive dress and shoe to wear to a nice party we might some day attend when Travis is a "famous" dentist. Or finally a nice couch. Oh I just have so many needs, really can you spot me a little extra??
Wow! $500 is a lot of money to spend just on me. I guess I would want a day at the spa complete with a massage, pedicure, manicure, skin treatments... am I leaving anything out? If I am add it to Maggie's bill please!
I need an entirely new wardrobe. Scott and I loved to watch "What Not to Wear" then we would tell each other what Stacy and Clinton would say to us about what we wear. All of my pant are too too long so they get warn out very fast at the bottom. I still have a shirt that Trisdan wore when she was a sophomore in high school, I have two dresses from DI, all of my white shirts have the yellow armpit stains, and all of my t-shirts have to deal with Snow or SUU!!! I would throw out the old and enjoy the new. New shirts, new dresses, new shoes, new jacket, etc.. Thanks Mags, I need this shopping spree even if it was hypothetical!!!
I would buy myself a wedding band. But technically Geoff should have to pay for that! So I guess I would spend it on books, cross-country skies, and a food processor. Or maybe I would use it for a night in a nice hotel and the extra would go to pay the babysitter for watching the girls.
pedicure, waxing, clothes, a real haircut, art supplies, new shoes since I always wear rain boots or snow boots to church. :) I'm anti-high heels but my husband bought me some last summer. Guess he thought it was time for me to be a real woman. I look ridiculous walking in them. You'll see soon enough when i have to give them a little go round so he'll feel good about his purchase.
I bet I could make a purse very similar to that one for a lot less. :) Come on over red rover. :)
I thought about it, and $500 just doesn't go far these days. However, if I did have $500, I would have to agree with Haley on this one and get new clothes. Although it probably would not be enough for a new wardrobe :) I would have a pretty good start. I guess that's what I would do--probably all the while feeling guilty that it could go to some other needed household item or something for the kids or a new golf club for Trevor or something :)
I'm going to have to go with 'weryoungs' (I wish I knew your name!) on this one b/c I have so desperately been wanting a massage lately. Not a "Here, honey, I'll rub your back...for 5 seconds" masssage, but a good one that lasts an hour - at least! And a pedicure. I've never had one. I promised myself one as a reward when I met my half-way goal for weight loss. That happened back in October, and I STILL haven't gotten one. I guess it's just so hard to justify the expense.
I think I'll go make an appointment. If Ron asks, I'll just say, "Maggie's treat!" :o)
I'm a little late, but maybe I accrued interest? He he. Although I desperately need new clothes, I would march right down to the laser eye surgery office and ask how far $500 would get me and probably sell plasma or something to pay the rest off. I would ADORE to wake up in the morning being able to see, going swimming and being able to see and not fear my contacts will float away. I am right at the edge of the scale of being able to get the surgery done (I am considered legally blind without contacts) and you bet once it's in the budget it'll be done.
I would buy theater tickets (to some over-the-top musical), a new dress (from shabbyapple.com perhaps?), and a night in a fancy hotel (in Chicago) and feel fabulous and posh for just a bit. Then I'd come back to real life.
Okay, with $500, I would get this cute apron at etsy that I've been eying for months, repurchase the eyeglasses I loved that were stolen with my stroller at Disneyland and finish off with a shopping spree at Ann Taylor. But I hate to be greedy, but I could really need MORE money to indulge myself in the way I fantasize about. What I really want (but $500 would not cover) is a plane ticket to Hawaii, hotel expenses, rental car, meals and sufficient funds to bring a nanny along on a fabulous Hawaiian vacation. Oh, and another $100 for a fabulous swimsuit or two. Is that too much to ask?? Dream on!
maggie- you are so cute, so funny! loved this post...hoping you really do treat yourself to some darling high heels!!! right now i think i'd give myself a new mommy make over...a tan, new clothes and of course a day at the spa!! $500 doesn't get you very far these days!!!
I'm all about the clothes. Since $500 dollars wouldn't go far at Banana Republic (sigh), I'll opt for spending it all at Kohl's. That way I could throw in a couple pairs of shoes, jewelry, and some much needed work-out clothes. Honestly, Jeff's old board shorts from 1999 are becoming quite threadbare these days (yikes)! Thanks for the indulgence! :)
P.S. I would LOVE for you to run the Moab 1/2 with me sometime! :)
So, I just found a(nother) hole in my jeans, and I think they are done for good. They are my favorite ones so it is sad to let them go. Therefore, I guess it would be clothes for me too. I don't know if I have ever spent $500 for clothes in one sitting...I'd like to try.
P.S. I was just on Piperlime.com and saw "your" shoes and bag. I could spend a lot of money on that website! I just got some cute black sling-back sandals there for a grand total of $15 (including shipping and tax)! Yahoo! Unfortunately that's more my style...wait until things are bottom bargain priced and then buy. Sigh...
Seth says he would spend it on golf clubs, new irons....for semi-selfish reasons (yeah right) a playstation 3. I would go nuts on clothes at Target, yes I said Target, because then I could have more.....
I would have a short sleeve jacket, pants and skirt set made to fit my exact proportions. I would look smashing if they made women's clothes to fit my petite yet large in places body :)
I would go buy some jeans at Old Navy because I have out grown all of mine. I would order lots and lots of different colored shirts from Down-to-Basics for my new garment-friendly wardrobe. And go get my hair highlighted for our beautiful spring season..it's now snowing but whateva! I think that would about do it...well, maybe a stop off at Cold Stone for some ice cream. OHHH and a bread maker so I can make Jessica's cinnamon rolls!
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