What a stinker! Yes, Jace has earned the age old trick of forageing for sustenance. He's a regular hunter gatherer, what with the state of the dining room floor after Avery has attempted to get her dinner from plate to palate, he can have a meal any time of the day! I have started sweeping three times a day just to make sure old dried hotdogs don't find there way into his chubby little hands. He has discovered were mom keeps the crackers, and Mike found him happily helping himself. Don't ya just want to reach through and give him a squish!
Uh-oh! You've got your hands full. But he's SO CUTE! His eyes are beautiful and I just want to pinch those cute little cheeks. Is he walking already?
No walking, although mike's trying to teach him he's not close. Thank goodness. He doesn't even hold on to the couch and walk along it yet, just pulls himself up to see.
too cute! His cheeks are so kissable.
What a cute little chunk!
You can't post pictures of your kids anymore. It makes me miss you all too much. Yes I do want to give him a smoosh. All your kids have had a very smooshable quality.
What a cutie! He's a smart one! Why not help yourself to food if you can reach it?
Love that he is able to help himself. I am with you on the sweeping more often. I am constantly checking Emmy's mouth to dig out what she has found on the floor.
Maggie, your little fam is adorable! I do want to squish cute little Austin! I can't believe how big Quinton is! It feels like not so long ago that he was jamming out to Veggie Tales in Indiana and I am a little sad that he grew into his big head! I hope I get to meet your kids sometime soon!
WOW! Your family is growing so quick. I love reading your blog you have such an ability to make me laugh. I know it is everyday activities but you just know how to tell a tale and make it fun.
I find it amazing how smart kids can be. He is finding crackers already and knows how to get to them. Sweeping...man we sweep so much between Hadley and the way she "contributes" food to the floor and Hunter's need for a horse trough because he is so messy we are right there with you. We miss you guys but I am glad to see you are doing great in Alaska. Take care
He is so CUTE. Wow, I can't believe how fast they grow. I say the picture of him standing and I'm thinking, has it been that long already!? I guess I just always picture them the same size as when you moved. So he's like 3 weeks old :) Anyway, you have adorable kids and you really make me laugh.
Oh yeah, what say you and I accompany our husbands to Orlando? That would be fun, huh? Even if for just a couple days while they're there. Then we can not be away from the kids too long (less plane ticket cost) and we can hang out while they're at classes :) Just a thought.
He is the cutest little kid. The last picture (with him cheesen it) reminds me of Dad! Oh Mags I miss you so much and I wish I could sqoosh little Jace! Lilly is about to walk and her favorite thing to do is pull things out of draws!
Hey thanks, so it doesn't look like I'm sucking it in too bad?:)
Yeah, I told Trevor about my comment that we should go and he just laughed. I said, "why do you always laugh when I mention going?" He says, "it just costs a lot." So, I'm there with you, but maybe that extra money coming back from the government might convince him :)
YES! He's too cute! Sam climbs and forages. I think he finds it high adventure. :)
Dearest Mags!! It's good to connect again. Gosh, it's been years and years. Officially far too long. I really love this blogging thing. I've read your entire blog and LOVE it. Your kids are SO CUTE. Your adorable daughter is you to a 'T'. Seriously! She is a mini-Mags to be sure. And your boys are so cute and have your fantastic coloring. LUCKY! We shall keep in touch.
He really is a doll. When did he get so big? It feels like just yesterday we were at his blessing! I especially love his chubby little legs. Funny how chubby is darling on a baby, but not so much on a mom....
Jace is no doubt a Judi! ALL your kids are the cutest things...I wish I could squish them all. :) We miss you guys and the fun we always had when we came over! We've GOT to get up to Alaska and visit...
How old is he?? My Owen just started doing that a month or so ago and it drives me crazy. I feel like I re-stock our pantry with snacks every other day...maybe that's my problem is that I keep giving them more!
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