these two monkey's wanted to "shovel" this afternoon.

look at that snow fly.

jace resorted to using his hands. shovels are heavy.

then (thanks to drive-way salt) they resorted to spring time activities. Jace learned how to go
forward on his bike!

"greetings brothers!" can i tell you how awesome it is that they can walk home from school. i like to imagine the adventures they have on the way home. they like to complain about the distance (2 city blocks) and the weight of their backpacks. it makes good practice for when your a parent and you need a story to top the misery of your children's current situation. for example: when i was a kid we braved bullies, deer poop, and wind on the way
to and
from school and we even walked home and back for lunch. ha!
.someone wrote, "ur cute and caring" on one of this kids valentines.

be mine funny valentine.
What have you been feeding Jace?? He has grown like 12 inches since i last saw him.
You can stop that now. He's gotta stay little! :)
I'm too lazy to chip all the ice from my driveway. It drips off our roof into giant mounds and I usually get that part done but then I leave the rest of my driveway. Maybe I'll try better so Sam can ride his bike too. :) Looks like fun.
It's funny when the pictures of Texas and the pictures of Alaska look similar.
Todd wants the kids to walk to school but I am a worry wart. Its a mile and not over easy terrain. Maybe one day.
I love the picture of Jace and the shovel that is as big as he is. Thanks for sharing pictures of the kids.
Maggie...it's been oh so long!! Sorry that you're getting spammed. :( I've been thinking about you a lot and truly hope you're doing well. I know it hasn't been easy, but it sure makes me admire you even more when I read your blog and see the cute pics of your kids!! You're a hero in my book Mags. Is it true you're headed out this way after AK?? Jeff and I would LOVE to see you guys!! Jeff wants to know if he can send Laffy Taffy to Mike?
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